--------------------------------------------------------kind regards, Alison & Rose
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year
------------- Thank you so much for the kindness and support you have given to ACCV
kind regards, Alison & Rose
Dat is a very good student, his English is excellent and he works very hard at university, he takes it all very seriously. The interesting thing is, NONE of his teachers can understand Braille, how can this work? How did he get through high school? When I asked him, he explained with a smile. ‘My father’ ….
From when he was a young boy at school, each evening Dats father would sit with him and read through the text book so that Dat could produce the entire chapters for the next day in Braille. Then he would head off to school with the other children, and his very own home produced Braille text books.
It paid off, Dat is now at university, majoring in English. Which lead me to another question – “Dat, can your father read English?” , Dat smiled
“Oh, no Alison, he can’t read English, but he can read the alphabet – for example, he couldn’t read Alison…. But he can read A.l.i.s.o.n., so for my English subjects the night before university my father will spell the text out for me so that I can prepare the Braille notes for my study.
....................... Letter by letter